Monday, September 19, 2011

The Satnam/Spirit Fest Experience

I just got back from Spirit Fest on the weekend, what can I say other than that I am humbled, I am inspired, I am moved. Not just by the musicians and the yogis but also by the people who attended. Basic humanity and love is missing so much from the world, I found it here, and it felt like home. The gifts of exceptional devotional music and yoga were only surpassed by the gift and presence of love.

I have never experienced an event like this before, where everyone I talked to was so warm, where everyone seemed so focused, where everyone seemed so genuine. I could sense the longing in their eyes for the truth, for a better way for themselves and for the planet.

The world needs people like this more than ever today. The world needs bearers of light, be it a matchstick, a candle, high beams! Every little light of awareness, love, illumination counts. You are capable of anything you put your mind to. Be the matchstick that lights the candle, be the car that turns on the high beams. Be the light onto yourself, show an example, challenge the status quo, show self disciple. Draw the arrows of discrimination, love and compassion, take a deep slow breath, and aim it straight at your own heart, at your own mind.  Be the leaders that the world needs today.

Brothers, sisters @ Spirit Fest, I am truly blessed to have met each of you...I went home and also feeling blessed to have a family that was waiting ever so patiently, that also gave me the opportunity to experience such a blessed event. We often don't see it, even another breath is a blessing to be able to let your soul shine through this mortal coil.




  1. You have described the experience in a beautiful way. I, too, felt like I came home and I am so impressed and inspired by those that I met.

  2. Thanks Christine for the kind words, I am glad we connected...



  3. Brother Kirpal,
    It was great to meet you and share space with you and everyone else too. The intention was set by all of us and I do believe it will come back to our loved ones, our homes, our work and most importantly our hearts. Much love and peace to you and yours......akasha

  4. Hi Akasha,

    Thanks for the well wishes, I have found a new good friend in you :), I hope we can stay in touch, I had trouble finding you on fb, my profile is sony.chauhan.



    PS you were awesome on stage!
