About Guru Habit

Watch your thoughts; they become words.Watch your words; they become actions.Watch your actions; they become habits.Watch your habits; they become character.Watch your character; for it becomes your destiny.

This blog is about changing the world around you from within you.

My motivation for the blog follows in the lines I wrote in 2010, a year of profound changes for me:
"let me be true to my ideals, let the words that come out of my mouth be of compassion and truth, let my thoughts dwell on what matters most, and let that be reflected in my actions....let my actions be of some use to myself and the world...."

Writing is also a form of self affirmation and meditation for me. I don't actively promote my blog, predominately because I write for myself, others may find it useful or may not, but it helps me structure my thoughts and cope with things, and prioritize my life.

Enjoy the blog, the journey, and I hope you will grow with me...