Saturday, August 13, 2011

Toastmaster Speech Speech 9

Please listen to my Toastmaster Speech 9 - Invest 10% in yourself by clicking here.  Pease forward speech until the first applause (approx 1 minute in), I hit the record button on my IPAD while they were introducing.

Following my previous posts on the pregnant pause and communication.  I tried to incorporate various elements of powerful communication techniques into the speech, that I have been reading about particularly techniques used by Obama.

These techniques included:
- Relating to the audience - use of current events or a theme that the audience can identify with.
- Personalizing the speech - my direct experiences and conversations "my spiritual mentor said to me".
- Pregnant pauses - I used the pause to plant myself still, or to start of moving across the floor space, like in Qi Gong, a pause is used to change in breath and movement.
- Use of repetitions - "we were not designed too"  was repeated to emphasize the point, I used repetitions on sounds "you can enjoy your life, and others can enjoy you".
- Variation of pitch to emphasize point.
- Use of incorporating various known figures into the speech, Amy Winehouse, Dalai Lama, Iyenger
- Use of rhetorical questions - "do we pay more attention to ourselves than our cars?" to support the argument.

I used the pause to plant myself still, or to start of moving across the floor space, like in Qi Gong, a pause is used to change in breath and movement

The written speech link is here, however I tend not to use the notes in the speech, you have to allow for your personality to come out during the speeches, and select topics that are dear to your heart.  Johnny Depp only selects roles that he can relate to, that are already in him, so he can bring it out with a certain degree of honesty.  To read more about this please look at my post on the hedgehog concept.

you have to allow for your personality to come out during the speeches, and select topics that are dear to your heart

There were a couple of mistakes I made and improvements I would like to make for next time.  I tried to incorporate pausing in the speech, but I found myself looking at the ground during that time, I did not know what else to do!  Galen said, that wasn't to bad, as it showed I was thinking, however I need to have more variety.

My next speech is my final one in the Competent Communication Series, I am thinking about doing a speech on the "Latent Potential Self", basically to talk about the latent potential within all of us.

As you can see there is a lot involved in communication, and speaking is only one part of it, listening is the more  important thing!



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