Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Art of Forgiveness, Lovingkindness & Peace

I have almost finished reading this excellent book  "The Art of Forgiveness, Lovingkindness & Peace" by Jack Kornfield.  I would love to meet Jack one day, his legendary book "A Path with Heart" was the first book that lead me to the path of independent thinking and investigation on matters of the spirit.

The book is a short read, divided into 3 sections on Forgivness, Lovingkindess & Peace. Each section has an excellent meditation to contemplate and develop these qualities. Although each meditation is only a few pages long, to practice it would take years, so it is with many important lessons in life.

If we must change then we must integrate what we are trying to learn, the first step is contemplation, the second step is action, the third result is joy, that comes about by the fruitful contemplation and action, much by itself.

 This definitely making it into the Guruhabit Bookshelf!

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