Wednesday, August 24, 2011

All Shook Up!

It was yesterday after lunch, I sat down to do some work.  I noticed the some rattling, and I thought it was unusual, it did not stop there, suddenly the whole building started wobbling, I literally felt like I was on a giant jumping castle, only it was my office on the 11th floor of the building.

It is quite concerning that there is so much dramatic changes in the world, you don't have to be a genius to work out that something is dramatically wrong, hurricanes, droughts, tsunamis, earthquakes, rise in sea levels, melting of the polar caps, the Himalayan meltdown.  It is really not a coincidence.  Why don't we top that off with the financial crisis, the high unemployment rates and ridiculous inflation in Asian countries. Our dream time is over, the time for change is now.

You might wander how can a single individual do about it.  I say a single individual can start with oneself!

I say that the problem is a fundamental one, I say that the problem is that we as individuals, and collectively have lost control over our minds and senses.  You may ask what does our minds have to do with it? I say that the problem starts at a mental level.

Let me propose a question to you, if everyone lived within their needs and shared unselfishly, would there not be a conservation and better utilization of natural resources, which would be more than enough to go around, this starts from not wasting food, to turning of the light, to adopting a simpler lifestyle, to not hoard, to having a simpler diet (preferably vegetarian or even less meat).  The example is simplified but it is just to get a point across.  People over the world are fed up with the selfishness and hoarding, they demand that their leaders really start thinking about the people, and doing things right by them.

We have lost the wisdom of our elders, who could counteract the bad ways of society, and provide the much needed guidance to get out of this global mess that we are in.

Do we really think out of mindless behavior we can get anything positive, out of mindless advertising that appeals to gratifying the senses for more money, out of corruption, greed, self, political and corporate agendas that anything positive and sustaining will come out of it?

Order cannot come out of minds full of Chaos and Selfishness, I say that the world cannot come back to equilibrium, until there is a significant mental shift globally.   I do see this shift happening, the question is, will it be too late?  There are beautiful souls out there, I pray that I get to meet them and associate with them, for I too am lost, and need the constant reminders on what is truly important.  I write these blogs as a form of reminder and self affirmation to myself.

I say that the world cannot come back to equilibrium, until there is a significant mental shift globally.   I do see this shift happening, the question is, will it be too late?

Food for thought, lets hope that our children can have some resemblance of peace, order and stability in the years to come.  There is a native american saying that says "We don't own the land, we borrow it from our children"



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