Friday, July 8, 2011

Toastmaster Speech 8 - The 45 Minute Unified Workout

Kindly provided by

I did a presentation on how to do a 45 minute "Unified" workout.  Please listen by clicking here.  I drew upon the related posts I did a while ago on my other less active blog:
I can see the strain on your face
45 Minute Lunchtime Optimal Routine

Reflections on Speech

Some good points about the speech included:
- I prepared it less than 1 hour as a last minute request
- Good use of colors and flip chart, I wanted to practice this specifically.
- Good "hook" of an opening

Improvements required:
- I needed not to talk while I was writing
- Better use of props
   - Galen should have got an applause
   - I should have prepared him earlier
   - I could have passed the props around and displayed it
- Better close required, it sort of fizzled away, more impact
- Ran out of time, could have streamlined speech more, and included more insights

Hope you get a understanding how important it is to incorporate stretching and relaxation as part of workout. All of this helps prepares a person to be more calmer, think clearer and connect to others better automatically.



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