Thursday, May 19, 2011

The five thieves will rob you blind

Picture "Kalachakra" kindly provided by h.koppdelaney
The five thieves will rob you blind
Be on your guard
They seek not wealth that you have
But your very soul
Immune is no-one from them, even great scholars
The five thieves are but the five vices, kam (lust), krodh (anger), lobh (greed), moh (attachment) & ankar (ego)
They feed off each other

Do don't spare them a cent of your attention
Why take the hands of the steering wheels, and let these thieves drive?
For each of the five there is antidote contemplation
From lust contemplate purpose and moderation
From anger contemplate forgiveness
From greed contemplate generosity
From attachment contemplate letting go
From ego contemplate humility
Keep your hands on the wheels of integrity, devotion and meditation




  1. "...the 5 vices"

    But only 4 are listed - You missed greed ;)

  2. Thanks I was in a mad rush this morning will update....

  3. Ok updated, and added more details with contemplations on opposites as well
