Saturday, November 12, 2011

The poverty of mental and spiritual wealth...

Vipassana Meditation
Picture "Vipassana Meditation" kindly provided by h.koppdelaney

There is a endless rat race in today's society for material wealth...people seem to think that getting material wealth will give them piece of mind. Those who do not have it spend their lives getting it, those that have spend their live hoarding it, squandering it, rather than putting it into good were is the joy in living in all of this...

In a conversation between The Dalai Lama & Paul Ekman, PH.D, his holiness says:
In the eighteen century, nineteenth century, early part of twentieth century, no government says what is the importance of peace of mind. Only say: economy, economy, economy. Why? Because poverty is urgent. So, therefore, people everywhere, putting every effort, including our education into eliminating poverty...

Also on the television, all you see, is about improvement of the proverty: to improve the economy, propsperity. But you see, people, at least those people, how are no longer much worried about their physical needs, now they are experience problems, but mainly at the mental leval. That mental unrest brings a lot of suffering on humanity. Therefore, now we have to think or explore another field, and that is mental health. We cannot change mental health overnight.

Today's world is in deep mental and spiritual poverty...Here is the irony of it all, spiritual & mental wealth is free, its freely available inside you!

One only needs to switch off external channels, and switch on internal channels...

When I was driving back today from picking up my dry cleaning, I saw a billboard it was of a mini coke can and it said "Open up a little happiness", pondering on it, it made me sick!  This is the type of programming that tells us that we can buy happiness out of a can, what a joke!...but this sort of programming is prevalent at every scale...

One needs to switch off these really damaging external negative messages, and realize that true happiness, comes only from realizing and exercising our true core nature..through stillness, compassion, contemplation...

Sadly even spirituality is commoditized into products that make us believe that we can buy it!  If only it would be that simple all the millionaires would be in bliss, when they suffer mentally more than a average villager in poverty...

I say onto you that you already have all that is required, only thing that is required is a simple method of meditation (if you don't already have one)...and daily discipline...

Spiritual and mental poverty needs to be eliminated by daily discipline of your meditation method...


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