Thursday, October 20, 2011

Toastmaster Speaking to Inform - Speech 1 - Meditation on Compassion

Picture "Zen" kindly provided by h.koppdelaney

There are 3 fundamental problems people are facing today at home and at work:
1.     Relationships
2.     Focus
3.     Leadership

What if I could tell you a way to improve your ability in all 3 of this using from just 30 minutes of your time daily?

From the mindful society seminar in New York by Omega a few weeks ago, it was shown that there were significant benefits associated with contemplation of compassion in children, novice mediators, as well as business leaders.

What is meditation?
I like the definition “Creating a space for grace” by a meditation teacher.

There are 3 types of meditation broad techniques: Meditation on Attention, Meditation on Intention, and Meditation on Inquiry...all of these make use of repetition.

Do not mistake these techniques for meditation, just like the finger point to the Moon is not the Moon.  Meditation is the outcome of patiently training yourself in these techniques day in day out.

Before we start I would ask you to try to relax and reserve 25% of your effort in doing the technique, another 25% for bring your mind back to the technique, and the last 50% (qoute from Gawler & Bedson) doing nothing but creating the space for grace.

Meditation on Compassion
Keep your attention on your hands, the sensations in your skin.
Bring your hands overhead holding heaven above...Pause
Bring your hands down opposite each other...Pause
Bring your hands together in prayer position in front of your chest (Qi Gong technique adapted from Master Li's Awakening the Soul)

Think about someone you love, repeat this contemplation (by Jack Kornfield) after me in your mind
May you be held in compassion
May you be free of pain and sorrow
May you be at peace

Direct that attention to yourself, and repeat the following in your mind
May I be held in compassion
May I be free from pain and sorrow
May I be in peace 
Pause in Silence

Bring that attention to everyone in this room, and repeat this contemplation out loud
May you be held in compassion
May you be free of pain and sorrow
May you be at peace 
Pause in Silence

To finish lets meditate on this inquiry to ourselves?
How can I be compassionate in my everyday life? Pause
How can I be compassionate in my everyday life? Pause
How can I be compassionate in my everyday life? Pause

Now it’s time to come back, how is everyone feeling? 
Did anyone see the moon?

Can we make space for grace to come into our lives every day? Or we think we can get through life without grace?

Listen to the speech and evaluation here, it did not quite go completely as planned...but that is the subject of another post :), lets just say I learnt a lot from my mistakes...:)

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