Saturday, May 7, 2011

What sort of world is this?

Picture "Who is dreaming" kindly provided by h.koppdelaney under CC

What sort of world is this?
Where no one has the time to smile, and words have no substance, and thoughts have no depth.
Where eyes and ears are stuffed with useless information, and mouth with food unidentifiable to nature.
Where the band-aid of pills are prescribed instead of healthy habits, thoughts, diet and exercise.
Where one false world is created on top of another, as if it wasn't confusing enough to start with.
Like rats in a ferris wheel we are played, what different are we to these rats and animals in the zoo.
We are held captive not by cages of steel, but cages of ego, addiction, sloth and ceaseless desires.

Oh friend, its time to wake up.
You have slept for too long, wake from this fatal slumber.
Give up these foolish pursuits, associate with those who can see through these distractions.
Tune into yourself, sharpen the edges of your mind, cut out the waste from your life.
Trust yourself to follow the path of truth, your inner voice never stops guiding you.




  1. Funny, interesting, cool are not enough to describe (in fact they degrade the message) the spiritual teachings captured in this post. One who understands this and applies to his life, will be happy and peaceful forever.

    Very well written Veerji.

  2. Thanks Veerji for the encouraging comments. SSK & Peace, Kirpal
