Saturday, May 14, 2011

Love is truly what we are, Oh lord, why do we forget?

Picture "Oneness" kindly provided by h.koppdelaney under CC

Love that is skin deep is of no value for it is temporary
True love is a connection where one is forgotten...the ego is dissolved
For without this love, what is one but a shell of a human being, a machine?
Even animals display love, and become more than animals
So does man display vengeance, become worse than animals
This love that lives deep in your hearts, is no different to the love that lives within another
Why this hatred, why this ignorance, why this selfishness?
Are we not rays of the same sun or leaves from the same tree?
If one was to open up this love from within us, would not peace be a reality on Earth?
Would not compassion touch the lives of another?
Love is truly what we are, Oh Lord, why do we forget... .. .




  1. very insightful and inspirational poems, thanks for sharing wealth of your spirit

  2. Thank you, its a pleasure to have you as a friend, see you soon
